Sonicwall Boundless 2020

Sonicwall Boundless 2020 was the company’s largest ever global partner & reseller event posting a company record of 6,251 global registrants and a 135% increase in attendance over Sonicwall’s previous high-mark partner event. My job was to create the digital experience of the event starting with wireframes and then taking the brand team’s creative direction and expressing it across three stages of the event: Pre-Event/Registration, Live event, and lastly, the Post-Event / On-Demand. The event garnered

  • 6,251 registrations

  • 4,781 Live Attendees worldwide

  • 68% Day two returning attendees

  • 18,432 Social media engagements.


View the live site here.


For the wireframe stage, the team and I had to account for the three stages of the event: The Pre, the Live and the Post Event (on demand)

Color Comps

The visual direction of this Virtual Event was different and fun to work with. Here’s a full look at the registration page for the event. There is an exciting use of textures and background elements which made the infusion of negative space welcoming and fun to scroll through. Please click to see larger.

Here is a selection of the desktop color screens: